FOLOGI shall be a Non-Governmental Organization operating in Uganda and beyond
The Vision of FOLOGI shall be, Sustainable Communities with Developed and Happy People
The Mission of FOLOGI shall be to empower people to support their own


The objectives of FOLOGI shall include the following
  1. To empower people to participate in Community development initiatives in order to address Poverty
  2. To establish Community Funds for mobilizing local resources to Support Sustainable Development through local giving
  3. To promote networking among local groups, Community Based Organization, National and International Non-Governmental Organizations
  4. To establish and strengthen partnerships between FOLOGI and the public, private sector, civil society, Community Groups and national and international organizations for the promotion of social, cultural, political and economic Development
  5. To create a forum for Civil Society Organizations that will promote political, cultural, economic and social development
  6. To build the capacity of all Forum Members


FOLOGI shall use the following strategic approaches in achieving its objectives

a) Partnerships with local, national and international organizations

b) Advocacy

c) Capacity development

d) Rights Based Programming

e) Community based

f) Participation

a) Networking and collaboration

b) Holistic (Integrated)

c) Gender mainstreaming

d) HIV and AIDS mainstreaming

e) Community Philanthropy



FOLOGI Core partners shall include:
a) Community groups
b) Women and youth groups
c) Schools and institutions
d) Faith Based Organizations and Churches
e) Other actors like NGOs both national and international
f) Foundations
g) Local Governments
h) Corporate bodies and companies

Our Meetings

Projects (Gallery)


The Founders of this Organization shall be the Patrons of the Organization and shall be Ex-officials to the Board

The founders shall provide advice to the General Assembly and the Board

Unless and until otherwise determined by the Members Assembly in a general meeting, the number of directors shall not be less than 3 or more than 7.

The remuneration of the directors shall from time to time be determined by the organization in a general meeting. Such remuneration shall be deemed to accrue from day to day activities of FOLOGI. The director’s expenses properly incurred by attending and returning from meeting of the organization or in connection with the operation of the organization shall be borne by the organization.

Any director who serves on any committee or devotes special attention to the operation of the organization or otherwise performs services which in the opinion of the directors are outside the scope of the ordinary duties of a director may be paid such extra remuneration by way of salary, otherwise as the directors may determine.


  1. The operation of the organization shall be managed by the directors who may pay all expenses incurred in promoting and registering the organization and may exercise all such articles required to be exercised by the organization in general meetings subject never the less to any regulations not inconsistent with the reinforced regulations or provisions as may be prescribed by the act or actions of the directors which would have been valid by those regulations have not been made.
  2. The Board of Directors shall approve new staff names as may be recruited in the organization.
  3. The Board of Directors shall in conjunction with FOLOGI members review this constitution and where necessary make amendments for improvement of the organization’s performance.
  4. The Board of Directors shall inspect all the programs and projects that will be under taken by FOLOGI.
  5. The board of Directors shall dismiss any staff member who seems to work inefficiently within the organization.
  6. The Board of Directors shall ensure that FOLOGI staff is paid their salaries without discrimination or any favor but according to the work each staff performs for the organization.