We the members of Forum for Local Giving (FOLOGI)

Having a duty as citizens of this country to work towards attainment of development;

Committed to serving Community members to live better lives;

Considering the role NGO/CBOs play in developing communities;

Noting that all people have a Right to form an Organization

Do hereby enact, adopt and recognize this constitution to guide Forum for Local Giving (FOLOGI) and further lay down the provisions of our Constitution


FOLOGI areas of focus shall be all regions of Uganda and beyond



FOLOGI Core partners shall include:

  1. Community groups
  2. Women and youth groups
  3. Schools and institutions
  4. Faith Based Organizations and Churches
  5. Other actors like NGOs both national and international
  6. Foundations
  7. Local Governments
  8. Corporate bodies and companies


FOLOGI shall use the following strategic approaches in achieving its objectives

  1. a) Partnerships with local, national and international organizations
  2. b) Advocacy
  3. c) Capacity development
  4. d) Rights Based Programming
  5. e) Community based
  6. f) Participation
  7. g) Networking and collaboration
  8. h) Holistic (Integrated)
  9. i) Gender mainstreaming
  10. j) HIV and AIDS mainstreaming
  11. k) Community Philanthropy



  1. a) The Organization shall hold two General Meetings in every calendar year at such time and place as may be determined by the members, and shall specify the Meeting as such in the notice calling it.
  2. b) All general meetings other than the annual general meeting shall be called extraordinary general meetings.
  3. c) Meetings shall be convened on such requisitions as described by the constitution. If at any time there are not sufficient members capable of acting to form a quorum, ¾ of members of the Organization may convene an extraordinary general meeting in the same manner
  4. d) All members shall attend meetings in person unless with genuine reasons and failure, a fine as set out by the general Assembly shall be paid.



  1. The Founders of this Organization shall be the Patrons of the Organization and shall be Ex-officials to the Board
  2. The founders shall provide advice to the General Assembly and the Board